Pros of Data Democratization
Every business has data and other information that they depend on for their operation. Making the data available to all employees in the firm will make the business firm to realize its objectives fast. If all employees get access to all the information of the organization they can be motivated to try to work hard to meet the organization's goal. So it is important to make all the organization's data and information available to every employee. Many firms used to prefer that their data and information should be accessed by the only specialist like the IT officials and the top managers. This was found to have a lot of disadvantages, because the firm was very dependent on some people who when could not be around work could come to a standstill or data analyst from outside could be hired. This is why organizations today practice data democratization. Data democratization is making the data available to all end-users for analysis and reporting the results. The process has many advantages which are discussed in this article as follows. To learn more, do check this website.
The first benefit of data democratization is that it empowers users with skills in data analysis and interpretation. When the organization's data are kept in one silo, and the access to the silo is left open to anyone, then the employees will get the opportunity to learn how the data is analyzed, processed, interpreted and the reported. The firm will benefit a lot when most of the employees can analyze and interpret the data, they not have to hire a specialist from outside.
The second merit of practicing data democratization is that as the organization grow, it will not need to employ new data analysts. The business organization usually expand as time changes. As the firm will grow, the volume of data that it will be handling also will increase. Therefore, organizations that did not opt for data democratization will have to employ new data analyst to make the work fast. But, to firms which opted for data democratization, will not be affected for most of their employees as time goes will have the knowledge of data analysis and interpretation. You can go to https://blog.thefirstmile.io/what-is-a-data-catalog-and-why-do-you-need-one/ to learn more.
The third benefit of practicing data democratization is that data and secrecy of the company is kept with the members only. Every organization has to prevent its secrets from leaking to the public especially to the competitive firms. This is prevented when the company trains all the employees on data analysis so that they cannot hire an outsider who can leak their secrets.
These are the advantages that organizations which opt for data democratization will enjoy. Also ,here are some data types you'll want to learn about: https://www.reference.com/math/difference-between-discrete-continuous-data-23302b7905e094cc?aq=data&qo=similarQuestions